FlowerFest19 event consisted of the Floral Trail around the Priory grounds. Local companies and organisations were able to advertise through a living medium of flora with a different, creative and memorable style.
A special thanks to the Priory Church, without their grounds the event would simply not be the tranquil and mellow event it is.
Visitors were again invited to walk around the trail, enjoy and see local businesses in a refreshing and innovative way. The visual effect is often long remembered and associated with the participating company. It truly is a refreshing way to advertise to the local community.
New for FF19, we were able to have trade stands at the Quomps, and I hope this will be the start of a bigger and more horticultural base to the event. Stewart's Garden Centre in Christchurch, kindly sponsored the School Wheelbarrow Competition which was a huge success, and one we will hope to grow year on year. Thank you Stewart's for the wonderful generosity in prizes to encourage the next generation of floral creators and horticulturalists.
Our thanks also go to the Fencing Centre for a fabulous picnic area around the bandstand, and although the weather was poor, the spirit of community was strong. On sat and Sun we had the delightful talent from HP Music singing their hearts out on the bandstand against the strong winds and Southbourne Community Choir were a lovely addition on the Friday, with all that bunting it looked fab!
FlowerFest Florrie, our mascot, was present during the weekend and attended the children's workshop run by hArt group at the Red House Museum, she also enjoyed waltzing through the trail!
If you are a local business, or organisation and would like to be involved and learn more about our event please contact us.

Would you like to join us and find out more about FlowerFest ?
Please get in touch at info@flowerfest.co.uk

FlowerFest are proud of our strap line... We all need TLC, Together we Link the Community
Are you a local charity or organisation who may like to raise your awareness and support through FlowerFest in future ?
Simply drop us a line by email and tell us why you would like to be involved with us.
You must be a registered charity within the Christchurch area, be able to bring your own team of volunteers to help the FF team, and of course your cause, along with bags of enthusiam and fun!
Please contact us with your enquiry:
All net profits from the FlowerFest19 event were donated to the Macmillan Caring Locally Brick by Brick Appeal.
With local company involvement and support we are able to make the FlowerFest event grow as a local festival whilst donating net profits from our events to our chosen charity.