Growing through Covid 19
The catastrophe of CV19 pandemic worldwide is horrendous. At times like this we are fortunate to still be able to take some comfort in the beauty of our surroundings, and for so many that will be finding solace in your garden.
It goes without saying the devastation to all spheres of horticulture is a great concern, from nurseries, small and specialist; the larger growers; to garden centres; wholesalers; distributor's and the oversea's 'horti-family'; florists; colleges the list goes on and on.
Please, please remember to support this industry as much as you are able. Local sponsors of FlowerFest include businesses such as Stewarts Garden Centres, Cherry Tree Nursery,(one of our charities for FF21) Helliwell Flowers, Double H Nursery. Their growth and ability to recover depends on us embracing them, and supporting and purchasing the vast array of horticulture they provide.
At no greater time have we needed the uplift to our spirits provided by plants, flowers and nature, and during these times of anxiety it is clear the benefit they bring us all, not only individually, but collectively. Keep buying, keep growing because....
'We all need TLC, Together we Link the Community'
Glenda.. Jan'21

article included with kind permission from AIPH