Behind The Scenes of FF19
About FlowerFest
"The seed has now been sown to raise the profile of the creative side of all things floral and to show the joy to one's spirit by working with nature"
- Glenda Stansbury, 2018.
Example of the Temps de Flors, Girona Spain.

'My inspiration for the inaugural event of FlowerFest18 came from a visit to the annual flower festival in Girona, Spain, Temps de Flors in 2016.
Temps de Flors has grown year on year (now in its 62nd year), and it continues to be the biggest revenue provider for Girona. The streets are lined with retailers and businesses showcasing their own creativity and ingenuity. From a small plant pot to the more elaborate window display of floral art, it is a feast for the eyes and senses.
With local participation being key to its success it has become known as a community with a floral focus. Walking the streets of Girona, it dawned on me that Christchurch would be the perfect venue for our own flower festival in Dorset'.
I set about making it happen!
Glenda, FlowerFest Founder and Organiser
The FlowerFest Ethos
The FlowerFest Company Ltd endeavour to promote and support events and campaigns to benefit the local community, particularly projects that are floral, nature or garden related.
Our strap line ‘We all need TLC , Together we Link the Community’
is relevant throughout all of our work.
We do not have recognised charity status but we will donate net profits to our chosen organisation whilst working with them through FlowerFest, helping to promote their cause.
Moving forward, FlowerFest will need to look at how to obtain funding from grants and awards. This will enable this popular community event to progress and prosper year on year. Please do let us know if you can help us.
It goes without saying the support and benefit from all sponsors is valued and fundamental in running FlowerFest events.
Just some of the creations at the FlowerFest event.
'An opportunity to think 'outside the box' for your company advertising. It is a proven fact 3D structures are retained far more in the memory via visual impact'.
A heart felt tribute from a volunteer