Apologies, I am late on my blog for FF18 this week. Ok, I haven't got the biggest following but, my dear reader, you can console yourself in the knowledge you are the core of FlowerFest18 and are with me from its birth!
This week has been a topsy turvy one, of hiccups and hurdles but the one thing that shines through is that there is help out there and the FlowerFest strap line really does works...
Let me explain, after much searching I found a sponsor for the historic Christchurch Castle.
The imposing English Heritage site is beautiful, but for FlowerFest18, I wanted it to be made into a statement, wildflower blowing in the breeze look...after a fair few calls a sponsor was found, just in time!
With the sponsorship generosity of Glossbrook Construction and also Elks-Smith Landscape Design it has been possible to lay a larger portion of the wildflower meadow turf, and it has been done today!
But its not just the financial gain from sponsors, it is the work of a team, Helen Elks Smith leading and working with Martin Gomm & his team from Wycliffe, the help of Soho and Thomas Tripp in helping with watering requirements, of Martin Stewart of the local Stewart Garden Centre supplying a new hose at short notice, that WILL help to make this inaugural year work.
It's the belief in an idea of bringing positivity to Christchurch. With all the tough news we get, making our own immediate environment better is key, and it is one step to changing the way we relate to life.
It was fabulous this week to meet up with Purewell and Keith Motors, Portman Stone three local independent companies.
Purewell with their passion for streamline kitchens and range of electrical equipment, why go anywhere else!. Keith Motor's Ford, who are supporting Men's Mental Health as their new charity this year. Seeing Portman Stone again, who offer exquisite range of granite and marble worktops and who, I personally, recommend for customer service.
The enthusiasm of staff at Eco Sustainable Solutions who will help with waste disposal for FF18.
And of the cheery team today at Double H Nursery with their blooms of Orchids, (and there is a new scented version), Roses and Chrysanthmums.
I am so looking forward to this first year of FlowerFest18 , note I have not disclosed any designs, that is for you all to wonder what you each are up to!!
DAY 1 The Wildflower Turf is laid.......
Happy design planning!