I hope this first post for FlowerFest19 finds you all well and being more organised for Christmas than yours truly! It is hard to fathom where exactly 2018 year has gone.
I know that is a sign of getting older, or I like to think it is because I am busy and active and that the success of the inaugural year from FlowerFest18 has led to working directly into FlowerFest19.
I thank, sincerely, all the ongoing support and sponsorships from everyone and for new sponsors already getting involved. As a non charity organisation obtaining funding for an event is incredibly difficult, but my core value of bringing the Christchurch community together for the benefit of all stands strong. I believe together we can all help each other, and isn't that what this time of year is all about?
The desire of getting outside, exploring nature and gaining from Mother Nature is fundamental to the work of FlowerFest. Technology, of course, has come on leaps and bounds and plays a fundamental part in our society now, but simply remembering to take time outside becomes harder the busier we become with our screens. To observe our surroundings, to meet and greet one another, is I feel where our heart obtains true fulfilment, and that was clearly visible during FlowerFest18. People taking a stroll around beautiful Christchurch, and talking to one another, & then taking the time to comment on the FF18 feedback forms. It helped, of course, from the brilliant FF volunteers chatting to everyone!
I am sure, and hope, you will have seen from the website, FF19 will be supporting and promoting the work of Macmillan Caring Locally. To raise awareness of their ongoing fundraising for a new palliative care unit at Christchurch Hospital, which includes plans for a wonderful garden area, of peace and tranquillity for patients, family and friend. There are so many of us who have known, and lost loved ones and friends at the Macmillan Caring Locally Christchurch Hospital, I hope we can all join forces and make FlowerFest19 a bigger and better event in June.
In the New year, I will highlight those companies and organisations already involved and who have committed to FlowerFest19, a mighty big thank you to you all.
Naturally ,there is still time to sponsor an area and to have an appointment to discuss creative floral advertising, so please, do get in touch to make an appointment.
Here are just some of the new highlights for FlowerFest19:
Horticultural or nature related Trade Stand Area on the Quomps in Christchurch A Photography Competition run in conjunction with Castle Camera's High Street and School Competition's courtesy of Stewarts Garden Centre Support from local business Kondor Ltd This year see's us working to launch a FlowerFest's (1st!) Gin by local Smith and Weston Floral Demonstrations being arranged for the eve of 14th June 2019
So please, take time out ,not just for family and friends, but for the wonder of nature over Christmas and I wish you all a peaceful and prosperous 2019.
We all need TLC. Together we Link the Community
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