If you are reading this, the chance's are you have already looked at the FlowerFest18 website and the content on our pages.
Hopefully you will have found your logo under the drop down menus on the headings;
Home / Sponsors
About / High Street Sponsors
Get Involved / Supporters
But there is one very fundamental category that has not been included, and it is one without a logo, but it is one that holds a very important role, the role of the Volunteers
So here, right now, I want to rant about the value of my wonderful volunteers who are always there supporting and encouraging the growth of FF18, thank you.
I hope you will all enjoy creativity and fun, find and make new friends, and know you are helping to bring the community together.
My volunteers, (and I am proud to say my volunteers!), are all different ages, all with different skills and different qualities, but there is one thing that bonds us all, and that is we all want to make a difference. I have always said if FlowerFest18 helps one person talk about their feelings, which in turn helps move them into a different place, then FF18 has to be a success.
I cannot predict how many people will visit in this first year, I cannot predict the weather and what will happen from one day to the next, but I do know that without the backbone of help, without the roots of volunteers, prepared to muck in and get busy, there would be no FlowerFest18.
So, whilst I sincerely thank all those companies sponsoring FlowerFest18 in this inaugural year, all the supporters who have given of time or resources, in this weeks blog I salute the FF18 team, you are each my petals in the blooming flower!. And I just want to mention Bud-dy of the week, Tony for his dedication and work with promoting this website and the social media! Thank you.
Have a great week everyone.
Glenda x
